In the Summer of 2011, the Olin-NASA Research Group consists of eight undergraduate engineering students from Olin College. These students remain in residence on Olin's campus for 9 weeks of their summer break in order to conduct research projects with the guidance of scientists from NASA.
The participants for the current summer (2011) are:
- Andrew Carmedelle '13
- Jessica Bethune '13
- Cypress Frankenfeld '14
- Andrew Heine '13
- Kevin McClure '14
- Sasha Sproch '13
- Sarah Strohkorb '14
- Lillian Tseng '13
These students received the support of a number of Olin College faculty, including Dr. Steve Holt, Dr. Rebecca Christianson, Dr. Siddhartan Govindasamy, Dr. Aaron Hoover, Dr. Brad Minch, Dr. José Oscar Mur-Miranda, and Dr. Mark Somerville.